An introduction to my business.
What I do
"Fairly, or unfairly, the global language of business happens to be English, and mostly written English, which is not easy for those businesses who do not have English as a first language."
For any company to trade successfully, it is important for it to have clear and concise messaging which is especially relevant for those who need to use English in the international markets.
The problem for those who knowingly, or unknowingly, use bad English in these markets is that they look suspicious rather than professional. This is a serious issue for those chasing new business, launching new products, or dealing with financial or legal issues, as they all run the real risk of failing before they have even started.
Online internet (AI) translation sites are the same as writing bad English and are not the solution, no matter how much they might seem to be, because they are always full of mistakes, always! This should not be a surprise because they all openly admit levels of inaccuracy that are not at a level good enough for business and especially not good enough for those less used languages of this website, which can be as high as 30% inaccuracy, where 10% would be unacceptable and 30% would be incomprehensible.
As a publisher and native English speaker with decades of business experience, I give my clients a competitive advantage by taking their translations and making them fluent, concise, the intended message. In doing so, I am able to keep my costs low and offer a very competitive price.
Launching a product, a marketing campaign, or even a business is hard enough in today's difficult environment. If a company's communications are also flawed, inaccurate and difficult to understand, then its chances of success are limited, as the customer, the consumer, the public, will question the professionalism of the business, and the business will question why its marketing, its campaigns, its plans, are not working.
I can help …
Nick Kenney - Who I am.
I am a consultant, publisher, entrepreneur, and CEO of Kenney Consultancy. I have worked in the publishing industry for most of my career, giving me a wealth of trade experience spanning many decades, allowing me a unique insight and experience of a diverse range of issues, problems, and solutions.
Reaching out to you for...
Some help?
I mainly help SMEs (small to medium-sized enterprises) who wish to trade internationally but struggle with their written English. Many of these SMEs could be your clients. My problem is getting my message to them and hoped you might consider forwarding my website details to them, and in so doing not only would your clients benefit, but you should too, as their increased business should reflect increased business with you.
Thank you.